Maverick Early Reader: 7-Turquoise: Preposterous Rhinoceros | 拾書所

Maverick Early Reader: 7-Turquoise: Preposterous Rhinoceros

$ 153 元 原價 180

Disaster! King Lion has lost his voice and cannot read the animals their bedtime story. Luckily, Preposterous Rhinoceros wants to give it a go… but how do you go about reading a book?

幫大家唸睡前故事的國王不能發出聲音了,於是Preposterous Rhinoceros想要唸給大家聽,但是牠不認得字,也不知道怎麼讀書,煩惱的牠向大家尋求幫助,最後牠能夠學到怎麼唸故事書嗎?

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