Courage (lap board book) | 拾書所

Courage (lap board book)

$ 455 元 原價 455

★ 李貞慧《繪本100+輕鬆打造英語文法力》推薦書單

There are many kinds of courage. Big acts of courage and the everyday kinds that normal, ordinary people exhibit all the time, like “being the first to make up after an argument” or “going to bed without a night-light.”

Bernard Waber explores the many varied kinds of courage and celebrates the moments, big and small, that bring out the hero in each of us. Now a lap board book.


本書作者 Bernard Waber 探討許多不同的勇氣,並讚賞英勇時刻,不論當時所展現的勇氣是大是小,都能呈現出我們每個人潛藏的英雄特質。本書現為大開本硬頁書。

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