What Is the World Cup? 世界盃足球賽 | 拾書所

What Is the World Cup? 世界盃足球賽

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
Outside the United States, soccer is usually called football
Brazil has won a record five times!
It is the most widely viewed sporting event in the world
GOOOAAAAAL! Get ready for a front-row seat at the world’s most-watched sporting event–the World Cup.

Every four years, thirty-two of the best men's soccer teams from across the globe compete for the title of FIFA World Cup winner.

Over one billion people tuned in worldwide to watch the final game of the 2014 competition, making the World Cup the most widely viewed sporting event in the world, exceeding even the Summer Olympics!

This book takes a look back at what has changed since the first tournament in 1930 and what lies ahead for the most popular sport in the world.

來自世界各地由頂尖選手組成的 32 支足球隊伍每四年都會角逐世界盃足球賽的冠軍!

超過十億人鎖定 2014 年的決賽,也讓世界盃成為最多人觀看的運動賽事,甚至超越了夏季奧林匹克運動會觀眾!

本書回顧了自 1930 年第一場賽事以來,世界盃足球賽的轉變,及世界上最受歡迎的運動——足球,未來的發展。

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