The Wizard of Oz【原著彩圖版】(25K彩色) | 拾書所

The Wizard of Oz【原著彩圖版】(25K彩色)

$ 230 元 原價 230

1900年,《綠野仙蹤》(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)在芝加哥出版問世,獲得廣大迴響。兩年後,被改編成百老匯舞台劇,亦大獲成功。作家鮑姆(L. Frank Baum, 1856–1919)遂於隔年開始陸續出版續作,在二十年間,一共創作了十四本系列故事。鮑姆辭世之後,由女作家Ruth P. Thompson接棒創作,另外也有其他作家的個別創作,於是講述奧茲國故事的創作,至少多達四十餘本。



The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, later known as The Wizard of Oz, is one of the most famous modern American children,s novels. It tells the story of Dorothy, who is carried by a cyclone to the land of Oz. There, she is befriended by the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion.

In an introduction to this novel, the author points out the spirit of this modern fairy tale: "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was written solely to please children of today. It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out."







Folklore, legends, myths and fairy tales have followed childhood through the ages, for every healthy youngster has a wholesome and instinctive love for stories fantastic, marvelous and manifestly unreal. The winged fairies of Grimm and Andersen have brought more happiness to childish hearts than all other human creations. 

Yet the old-time fairy tale, having served for generations, may now be classed as “historical” in the children’s library; for the time has come for a series of newer “wonder tales” in which the stereotyped genie, dwarf and fairy are eliminated, together with all the horrible and blood-curdling incidents devised by their authors to point a fearsome moral to each tale. Modern education includes morality; therefore the modern child seeks only entertainment in its wonder tales and gladly dispenses with all disagreeable incident.

Having this thought in mind, the story of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” was written solely to please children of today. It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out. 

──L. Frank Baum (Chicago, April, 1900)

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