In this story, Cora and Alice Munro start a journey through the forest to see their father, Colonel Munro, at Fort William Henry. The women face many dangers but they have Hawk-eye and his two Mohican friends to help them. Readers will join Cora and Alice on a journey of self-discovery and adventure through the wild country of North America.
在這個故事中,Cora和Alice Munro開始穿越森林,到威廉亨利堡與他們的父親Munro將軍會面。她們面臨許多危險,但Hawk-eye和他的兩個摩希根人朋友會幫助她們。一同加入Cora和Alice,到北美的野外,開啟自我探索的冒險旅程吧!