Read and Imagine Activity Book 1: The Snow Tigers | 拾書所

Read and Imagine Activity Book 1: The Snow Tigers

$ 200 元 原價 200


▌全套共分為九個等級(Early Starter、Starter、 Beginner、 Levels 1~6),適合4歲以上的學習者。

▌本系列讀本為fiction的故事類型,書中主角Rosie, Ben和Grandpa帶領讀者一起去探險,有如身歷其境,越讀越有樂趣。此系列不但能夠協助讀者培養良好閱讀習慣,加上書末的閱讀理解練習、專案計畫、圖畫字典等補充資源,更能讓讀者在閱讀中自然而然提升語言技能。
▌從Level 1-6每本讀本皆可搭配Oxford Read and Discover (non-fiction)系列,內容相互關聯,可互相搭配使用,提供老師更完整的書單。
▌另有Activity Book 仿YLE 題型,提供與故事相關的閱讀、寫作、口說及文法的補充練習。
每本讀本皆提供美式/英式發音音檔,便於老師教學選擇。Starter/Beginner級數提供免費讀本音檔,請至 網站下載;Level 1-6讀本音檔皆有提供於CD 套裝中。

➤ 故事每兩頁就有一讀後練習,題型多元,包含開放式討論問題、看圖寫單字、是非題、連連看、填空、完成句子…等。
➤ 設計與主題相關的專案計畫(project)於習題之後進行延伸練習。
➤ 書末附圖畫字典,讓讀者輕鬆理解單字意思。 

Oxford Read and Imagine invites young readers into an exciting world of great stories. Follow Rosie, Ben, Grandpa and his robot Clunk on their adventures in Grandpa’s fantastic van. This series provides a motivating way to increase contact time with English, both in and out of class.
Watch your students grow up with Rosie and Ben as they enjoy reading at the right level. The language is carefully graded so the Readers are easy to use alongside any coursebook or for reading alone.
A powerful partnership with the non-fiction series Oxford Read and Discover means students can explore the same topic through fact and fiction. Read an adventure set in Africa’s Serengeti, Can You see Lions? and then find out more about how animals use camouflage in Oxford Read and Discover Camouflage.
Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.

key features

• 9-level fiction series that grows up with the young learners
• First three levels are for pre-school
• Exciting stories – follow Rosie, Ben, and Grandpa on their adventures
• Stories at Levels 1 to 6 link to non-fiction Oxford Read and Discover Readers
• In-book activities include Cambridge Young Learners Exams preparation and KET and PET at levels 5 and 6
• Audio in both American or British English
• Free audio for Early Starter, Starter, and Beginner levels
• Selected print-readers are also available as interactive e-books with animated stories, pop-up vocabulary support, and games
• Online Teacher’s Handbook with Photocopiable Worksheets and Answer Keys

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