→ 窮困潦倒絕非從事創意工作的必要條件,而是個人抉擇。
→ 你不是天生的創意人,你得培養自己成為創意人。
→ 假裝成另一個人非常痛苦,因為你的內心深處知道真相。
→ 最重大的改變往往始於一小步,而非奮力一躍。
→ 在成為大師之前,我們得先當學徒。
→ 藝術家的工作不是力求完美,而是不停地創作。
→ 如果籌碼小一點也能贏,你為什麼一定要梭哈?
→ 當你在某方面擇善固執,就給了這世界一個理由,相信你做的事情有價值。
◆ 創意並非魔術,而是努力的結果:
◆ 從建立心態、制定目標到分析案例,成功的樣貌在這裡:
◆ 跳脫框架,成功的人跟你想得不一樣:
◆ 你需要的是正確觀念,而不是盲從別人的偏見:
Bestselling author and creativity expert Jeff Goins dismantles the myth that being creative is a hindrance to success by revealing how an artistic temperament is in fact a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Now in trade paper.
For centuries, the myth of the starving artist has dominated our culture, seeping into the minds of creative people and stifling their pursuits. But the truth is that the world's most successful artists did not starve. In fact, they capitalized on the power of their creative strength. In Real Artists Don't Starve, Jeff Goins debunks the myth of the starving artist by unveiling the ideas that created it and replacing them with timeless strategies for thriving, including:
steal from your influences (don't wait for inspiration),
collaborate with others (working alone is a surefire way to starve),
take strategic risks (instead of reckless ones),
make money in order to make more art (it's not selling out), and
apprentice under a master (a “lone genius” can never reach full potential).
Through inspiring anecdotes of successful creatives both past and present, Goins shows that living by these rules is not only doable but it's also a fulfilling way to thrive.
From graphic designers and writers to artists and business professionals, creatives already know that no one is born an artist. Goins's revolutionary rules celebrate the process of becoming an artist, a person who utilizes the imagination in fundamental ways. He reminds creatives that business and art are not mutually exclusive pursuits. In fact, success in business and in life flow from a healthy exercise of creativity.
Expanding upon the groundbreaking work in his previous bestseller The Art of Work, Goins explores the tension every creative person and organization faces in an effort to blend the inspired life with a practical path to success. Being creative isn't a disadvantage for success; rather, it is a powerful tool to be harnessed.