The Breaking News (精裝版) | 拾書所

The Breaking News (精裝版)

$ 665 元 原價 665

★ 李貞慧《親子大手拉小手,跟著繪本快樂學英文》推薦繪本

When devastating news rattles a young girl's community, her normally attentive parents and neighbors are suddenly exhausted and distracted. At school, her teacher tells the class to look for the helpers―the good people working to make things better in big and small ways. She wants more than anything to help in a BIG way, but maybe she can start with one small act of kindness instead . . . and then another, and another.Small things can compound, after all, to make a world of difference.

The Breaking News by Sarah Lynne Reul touches on themes of community, resilience, and optimism with an authenticity that will resonate with readers young and old.


當一個年輕女孩的社區發生毀滅性的新聞時,通常她細心的父母和鄰居突然疲憊不堪,心煩意亂。在學校,她的老師告訴全班同學尋找幫助者 - 善良的人們努力使大大小小的事情變得更好。 她想要的不僅僅是以任何方式幫助,但也許她可以從一個小小的善舉開始......然後是另一個,另一個。畢竟,小事情可以復合,創造一個與眾不同的世界。

Sarah Lynne Reul的突發新聞觸及了社區,復原力和樂觀主題,其真實性將引起年輕和年老讀者的共鳴。



Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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