When I Am Big (精裝版) | 拾書所

When I Am Big (精裝版)

$ 630 元 原價 630

★ 李貞慧《親子大手拉小手,跟著繪本快樂學英文》推薦繪本

A Walk in the Forest introduced the enormously talented Maria Dek, and When I Am Big is a beguiling follow up to her first success. Charming illustrations and text encourage young children to explore what they can do as they grow up.

The adventurous child imagines "I will tie my shoes all by myself, make 3 knots with big bows"; to eat twenty pizzas in one sitting, or walk animals, eight at a time, while teaching them tricks.

When I Am Big is also an unconventional counting book, as it goes all the way to twenty-five. The result is a book that nourishes a child's curiosity, confidence, and delight in the world's wonders.


《森林裡的散步》(A Walk in the Forest) 介紹了才華橫溢的瑪麗亞·德克 (Maria Dek),而《當我長大的時候》(When I Am Big) 是她隨後第一次令人心醉的成功。迷人的插圖和文字鼓勵幼兒在成長過程中探索自己的能力。
喜歡冒險的孩子想像 「我將自己繫鞋帶,打三個大蝴蝶結」;坐在餐椅子上一次吃20個比薩餅,或者一次遛八個動物,一邊教它們一些把戲。
《當我長大的時候》(When I Am Big) 也是一本非傳統的數數書,因為書中一直到數到二十五。這本書可以培養了孩子們的好奇心、信心和對世界奇觀的喜悅。


Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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