Mommy's Khimar (精裝版) | 拾書所

Mommy's Khimar (精裝版)

$ 498 元 原價 630

★ 李貞慧《親子大手拉小手,跟著繪本快樂學英文》推薦繪本

A young Muslim girl spends a busy day wrapped up in her mother’s colorful headscarf in this sweet and fanciful picture book from debut author and illustrator Jamilah Tompkins-Bigelow and Ebony Glenn.

A khimar is a flowing scarf that my mommy wears. Before she walks out the door each day, she wraps one around her head.

A young girl plays dress up with her mother’s headscarves, feeling her mother’s love with every one she tries on. Charming and vibrant illustrations showcase the beauty of the diverse and welcoming community in this portrait of a young Muslim American girl’s life.


一位年輕的穆斯林女孩,包裹著她母親五顏六色的頭巾,在這首發作者和插畫家賈米拉·湯普金斯-比格洛 (Jamilah Tompkins-Bigelow) 和烏木葛籣 (Ebony Glenn)的甜蜜和幻想的圖畫書中度過了忙碌的一天。
一個年輕的女孩把玩著媽媽的頭巾,感受到母親對她所嘗試的每一條頭巾的愛。 迷人而充滿活力的插圖在這幅年輕的穆斯林美國女孩的生活畫像中展示了多元化和熱情的社區之美。



Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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