Reading Boat 3 | 拾書所

Reading Boat 3

$ 350 元 原價 350
Reading Boat是給英語初學者的閱讀理解教材,每冊透過仔細設計的文章及多樣化的練習,讓學生建立字彙及增進文法理解力,並建立紮實的閱讀理解能力。為了更親切貼近學習者,每一冊的插畫角色及錄音都與學習者的年紀相仿,引發孩子的學習興趣。
■ 讓學生透過每一冊的生動活潑的插畫人物來探索閱讀世界。
■ 閱讀前藉由引導認識單字及清楚的文法架構及暖身問題,讓學習者了解文章大意。
■ 閱讀中幫助學習者透過瀏覽及填寫視覺化圖表的方式來了解文章的意義
■ 閱讀後透過練習題評量學習者的閱讀能力,並加強複習主要所學單字
■ 每個單元結束都有簡明的文法圖表,方便複習。
■ 每一冊均附圖畫字典加強學生復習單字


Reading Boat is a three-level reading series for young learners of English. In each book, carefully graded reading passages are supported by a variety of exercises. By completing these exercises, students build vocabulary, extend grammatical knowledge, and progressively consolidate their reading skills. To make this easier, the authors have created fun, same-aged characters who lead each passage and capture the imagination of young learners. Reading Boat also provides an easy-to-follow lesson format which enables students to actively take part in the reading and thinking process.


● A memorable & interesting family of characters
● Exciting passages with warm feelings & humor
● Cumulative vocabulary & reading skill practice
● Vivid illustrations to spark learners' imagination 
● A concise grammar chart in each unit 
● A systematic lesson process 
● A picture dictionary featured in each book 
● Accompanying audio recordings 
● Fun comics

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