A Life Less Throwaway 精準購買 | 拾書所

A Life Less Throwaway 精準購買

$ 525 元 原價 525

With the whole world trying to convince us to spend our way to happiness, we’ve been left cluttered, stressed, and unfulfilled. Tara Button, founder of BuyMeOnce, is at the forefront of the global movement to change the way we shop and live forever. Tara advocates a life of mindful buying that celebrates what lasts, giving you exercises that help you curb impulses, ignore trends, and discover your true style. Once a shopaholic herself, her groundbreaking mindful curation method reveals the amazing benefits of buying for life and will help you:

• Spot the tricks that make you overspend
• De-clutter your home
• Find the products that serve you best
• Rediscover the art of keeping and caring for things
• Find happiness, success, and self-worth, beyond buying


全世界都在努力說服我們為幸福而努力,然而我們變得更加混亂,壓力重壓我們使我們無法滿足。 BuyMeOnce的創始人塔拉·巴頓(Tara Button)站在全球運動的最前端,以改變我們的購物和未來永遠生活的方式。 塔拉(Tara)提倡一種正向的購買生活,慶祝生活的持續發展,為您提供鍛煉方法,幫助您抑制衝動,忽略趨勢並發掘真正的風格。 曾經是購物狂,她開創性的專心策略方法揭示了為人生購買的驚人好處,並且將幫助您:



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