What Is the Constitution? 美國憲法 | 拾書所

What Is the Constitution? 美國憲法

$ 210 元 原價 210

Signed on September 17, 1787--four years after the American War for Independence--the Constitution laid out the supreme law of the United States of America.

Today it's easy for us to take this blueprint of our government for granted. But the Framers--fifty-five men from almost all of the original 13 states--argued fiercely for many months over what ended up being only a four-page document.

Here is a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the hotly fought issues--those between Northern and Southern States; big states and little ones--and the key players such as James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington who suffered through countless revisions to make the Constitution happen.


今天,我們很容易將這個政府藍圖視為理所當然。 但是,最初13個州中幾乎所有州的55名議員,就一份只有4頁的檔案激烈爭論了幾個月。
這是一個引人入勝的幕後熱烈討論的議題 – 北方和南方各州之間的議題;大州和小州 – 以及詹姆斯·麥迪遜 (James Madison)、亞歷山大·漢密爾頓 (Alexander Hamilton) 和喬治·華盛頓 (George Washington) 等主要參與者,他們經歷了無數的修改,使憲法得以完成。


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