Magnets Push, Magnets Pull | 拾書所

Magnets Push, Magnets Pull

$ 280 元 原價 280

We can't see magnetism, but it's everywhere around us--even the Earth is a giant magnet! In this fun and accessible book, DAVID A. ADLER covers the basics of magnetism. Terms such as attraction, pole, electromagnetism, force and more are plainly explained, while ANNA RAFF'S lively art illustrates these concepts clearly. Suggested activities include instructions to make your own magnet! Kids who read this direct and uncomplicated introduction will learn to appreciate how magnetism powers our world. Includes glossary.

我們看不到磁力,但它在我們周圍無處不在--甚至地球本身就是一塊巨大的磁鐵!在這本有趣且易於理解的書中,大衛艾德勒(David A. Adler)介紹了磁性的基礎知識。吸引力,磁極,電磁,力等術語有了明確的解釋,而安娜·拉夫(Anna Raff)的生動藝術插畫則清楚地顯示這些概念。建議的活動包括製作自己的磁鐵的說明!孩子們閱讀了這份直接而簡單的介紹將學會欣賞磁力如何推動我們的世界。此書附有詞彙表。



Age Range: 5 - 8 years

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