Read and Imagine Pack 4: Volcano Adventure (with Audio Download Access Code) | 拾書所

Read and Imagine Pack 4: Volcano Adventure (with Audio Download Access Code)

$ 285 元 原價 285

Ben and Max have been learning about volcanoes -so they go to see one! But then the volcano erupts. Hot lava is coming to the village, and Rosie's new friend Nani needs help. Ben has an idea -but how can they stop the river of fire?

Ben和Max一直在了解關於火山的知識 ,所以他們前去一探究竟!隨後火山爆發了。熱熔岩即將流到村莊,Rosie的新朋友Nani需要幫助。Ben有一個辦法 - 但他們如何阻止岩漿呢?

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