Read and Imagine Pack 5: The Painting in the Attic (with Audio Download Access Code) | 拾書所

Read and Imagine Pack 5: The Painting in the Attic (with Audio Download Access Code)

$ 285 元 原價 285

When Rosie and Alice found a painting in the attic, Alice's grandma gave it to a gallery to be studied. But why was the woman from the gallery on TV with Grandma Vera's painting? Would the police believe she stole it? And would Grandma ever get her painting back?

當 Rosie和 Alice在閣樓裡發現一幅畫時,Alice的奶奶將它送到了一個畫廊檢驗。但是為什麼這位從電視上畫廊來的女士拿著奶奶的畫作呢?警察會相信是她偷了畫嗎?奶奶會把畫拿回來嗎?

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