Target Reading 2: 60 Selected Readings (2nd Ed.) (1MP3) (無附解答) | 拾書所

Target Reading 2: 60 Selected Readings (2nd Ed.) (1MP3) (無附解答)

$ 320 元 原價 320


Target Reading系列依程度深淺分為三冊,第二冊文章長度每篇約300至330字, 共60篇精采引人的閱讀文章,文章內容囊括各類主題與體裁,範圍涵蓋「旅遊、動物、人物、藝術與文學、商業、娛樂、科技、文化、健康」等多元內容,選題掌握時代脈動,帶領讀者走在知識尖端,如:串流媒體趨勢、世足賽、生食運動、塵螨、厄斯特‧海明威等,讓讀者在學習英文的同時,也能以英語涉獵各領域的知識。

1. 中心思想(Main Idea)
2. 主題(Subject Matter)
3. 細節(Supporting Details)
4. 推論(Inference)
5. 上下文推論字義(Words in Context)
6. 其他(Others)



Why do you need this book?
This book concentrates on training reading skills. It is comprised of 60 articles that provide attractive reading material on different themes and various topics, including Art & Literature, Business, Culture, Entertainment, Geography, Health, History, People, Sports, and Technology.

Each article is designed with six essential questions to help the readers understand the article. These questions are within the framework of the following categories:

1 main idea
2 subject matter
3 supporting details
4 inference
5 words in context
6 others

Through repeated practice with the six categories of questions, readers will be engaged and will develop an inquiring attitude towards reading. They will gradually gain the ability to catch important information from an article. Furthermore, this thinking-while-reading strategy will prepare the readers for a higher comprehension level.

How to use this book?
No one can attain a high reading level in one step. To master reading skills, readers should follow the reading plan suggested in the book. The readers will read, enjoy, and make steady progress through the 60 articles within 10 weeks. After finishing this reading project, the readers will expand their vocabulary, learn about the various topics, gain confidence in using English, and enjoy the pictures that enhance the articles.

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