★ 劉怡伶《親子閱讀趣 悅讀真有趣》 推薦書單
IF系列. 透過故事中的可愛主角和主人間發生的趣事.讓孩子在驚喜與歡樂中輕鬆練習假設語氣
★ CD曲目:
1. A Reafing of the Story with Turn-the-page Signals (2)
2. Fill-in-the-Blanks Game (3, 9)
3. About the Author, Laura Joffe Numeroff (4, 10)
4. Wrong Words Song (5, 11)
5. About the Illustrator, Felicia Bond (6, 12)
6. The Mouse Cookie Song (7, 13)
7. A Reading of the Story without Tur-the-page- Signals (8)