Twenty-Four Robbers (Book + CD) | 拾書所

Twenty-Four Robbers (Book + CD)

$ 450 元 原價 450

★ 廖彩杏《用有聲書輕鬆聽出英語力》推薦書單(新編版)

Twenty-four robbers display their cooking talents in this retelling of the traditional skipping rhyme. In Audrey Wood's joyful celebration of this traditional skipping rhyme, twenty-four robbers return to the same house again and again. What do they need and what is it for? Kindness and generosity show the robbers that stealing is not the only way, and teaches them the value of sharing. Count twenty-four robbers on each spread, and join in the shouting!

本書重新詮釋傳統跳繩歌謠,敘述 24 個強盜展現廚藝天分。透過奧黛莉.伍德歡樂且富節奏感的文字,小朋友可以看到 24 個強盜不斷回到同一間屋子。這些強盜到底要什麼?這又要做什麼用?他人的善良與慷慨,不僅讓強盜們學到偷竊不是唯一生存之道,也學到了分享的價值。小朋友一起來數數每頁是不是都有 24 個強盜,並和他們一起喊叫!

 Age Range: 3 - 7 years

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