The Choice: Embrace the Possible 抉擇 | 拾書所

The Choice: Embrace the Possible 抉擇

$ 470 元 原價 595
It’s 1944 and sixteen-year-old ballerina and gymnast Edith Eger is sent to Auschwitz. Separated from her parents on arrival, she endures unimaginable experiences, including being made to dance for the infamous Josef Mengele. When the camp is finally liberated, she is pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive.

The horrors of the Holocaust didn’t break Edith. In fact, they helped her learn to live again with a life-affirming strength and a truly remarkable resilience. The Choice is her unforgettable story.

時間是 1 9 4 4年,1 6歲的芭蕾演員、體操運動員伊蒂絲•埃格 (Edith Eger) 被送到奧斯威辛 (Auschwitz) 集中營。她在抵達時與父母分離,忍受著難以想像的經歷,包括被要求為聲名狼藉的約瑟夫•孟格爾 (Josef Mengele) 跳舞。當集中營最終解放時,她從一堆屍體中被拖出來,幾乎沒有生命。



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