Where Is the Tower of London? 倫敦 | 拾書所

Where Is the Tower of London? 倫敦

$ 210 元 原價 210

The Tower of London draws more than 2 million visitors a year! Almost 1,000 years old and first built by William the Conqueror in 1066, the tower has been a fortress, a palace, a zoo, and an exhibit site for the amazing Crown Jewels. But the tower's reputation as a prison is probably what accounts for its popularity! Two young princes in the time of King Richard III were never again heard from after entering the castle, and two of King Henry VIII's wives were held captive here. Author Janet B. Pascal brings to life one of the most fascinating landmarks in the world.

倫敦塔每年吸引超過兩百萬名遊客!這座歷史將近一千年的塔樓,最初在西元 1066 年由征服者威廉所建造,它曾是軍事要塞、宮殿、動物園,也是耀眼皇冠的展場。而這座塔樓如此受歡迎可能是因為它作為監獄而聲名遠播!在理查國王三世的時代,有兩位年輕的王子進入這座城堡後便人間蒸發了,此外國王亨利八世的兩任妻子也曾被俘虜至此。作者珍妮特.B.帕斯卡為這世上最迷人的地標帶來了全新的生命。

 Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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