The 13 Storey & 26 Storey Treehouse CD set | 拾書所

The 13 Storey & 26 Storey Treehouse CD set

$ 505 元 原價 505
This amazing CD set contains both The 13-Storey Treehouse and The 26-Storey Treehouse, by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton, read by Stig Wemyss, Australia's most loved narrator of audio books for children and young adults. This collection features book one and book two in the laugh-out-loud and bestselling Treehouse series and has a running time of approximately 197 minutes.
Welcome to Andy and Terry’s treehouse, the most awesome treehouse ever! In The 13 Storey Treehouse it's got a giant catapult, a secret underground laboratory, a tankful of man-eating sharks and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you're hungry! And in The 26 Storey Treehouse they’ve added an antigravity chamber, an ice-cream parlour with seventy-eight flavours run by an ice-cream-serving robot called Edward Scooperhands, and the Maze of Doom - a maze so complicated that nobody who has ever gone in has ever come out again . . . well, not yet anyway!
Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

此精彩的 CD 套裝包含《瘋狂樹屋 13 層》與《瘋狂樹屋 26 層》,本系列由安迪‧格里菲斯著作、泰瑞‧丹頓繪圖,並由澳洲最受歡迎的兒童與青少年有聲書配音員史蒂格‧韋密斯朗讀。本套裝收錄暢銷叢書《瘋狂樹屋》第一冊與第二冊,生動有趣的內容令人開懷大笑, CD 全長約 197 分鐘。
歡迎來到安迪與泰瑞的樹屋,這是有史以來最棒的樹屋!在 13 層樹屋裡,有一個大型彈弓、一座秘密地下實驗室、一缸滿滿的食人鯊,以及一台棉花糖機,無論何時何地肚子餓,它都能將美味的棉花糖送進你嘴裡。樹屋擴建後來到了 26 層,安迪與泰瑞新增了一間反重力室、一間由機器人艾德華‧勺子手經營的冰淇淋店,提供 78 種不同口味的冰淇淋,還有一座可怕的死亡迷宮,至今仍未有人進入這座複雜的迷宮並成功逃脫。

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