The 65-Storey & 78-Storey Treehouse CD Set | 拾書所

The 65-Storey & 78-Storey Treehouse CD Set

$ 505 元 原價 505
This hilarious CD set contains The 65-Storey Treehouse and The 78-Storey Treehouse, by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton, read by Stig Wemyss, Australia’s most loved narrator of audio books for children and young adults. This collection features book five and book six in the laugh-out-loud and bestselling Treehouse series and has a running time of approximately 246 minutes.
Andy and Terry live in the WORLD’S GREATEST Treehouse! In The 65-Storey Treehouse they’ve added a pet-grooming salon, a birthday room where it’s always your birthday (even when it’s not!), a room full of exploding eyeballs and Tree-NN: a 24-hour-TV news centre keeping you up to date with all the latest treehouse news, current events and gossip. And in The 78-Storey Treehouse there’s a drive-thru car wash, a combining machine, a high-security potato chip storage facility and an open-air movie theatre.
Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

此精彩的 CD 套裝包含《瘋狂樹屋 65 層》與《瘋狂樹屋 78 層》,本系列由安迪‧格里菲斯著作、泰瑞‧丹頓繪圖,並由澳洲最受歡迎的兒童與青少年有聲書配音員史蒂格‧韋密斯朗讀。本套裝收錄暢銷叢書《瘋狂樹屋》第五冊和第六冊,生動有趣的內容令人開懷大笑, CD 全長約 246 分鐘。
安迪和泰瑞住在世界上最棒的樹屋裡!在 65 層樹屋裡,他們新增一間寵物美容院、一間生日派對屋,每天為你慶生(即使當天不是你生日)。除此之外,還有一間充滿爆炸眼球的房間,以及「樹NN」:一個 24 小時的電視新聞中心,讓你了解樹屋所有最新的新聞、時事和八卦。而在 78 層樹屋裡,有得來速洗車、動物組合機、高度保全洋芋片儲藏室,以及露天電影院。

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