Footpath Flowers | 拾書所

Footpath Flowers

$ 450 元 原價 450

In this wordless, beautifully illustrated picture book from award-winning poet JonArno Lawson, a little girl collects wild flowers while her distracted father pays her – and their surroundings – little attention. Each flower the little girl gathers becomes a gift for a person or animal, and whether the gift is noticed or ignored, both giver and recipient are transformed by their encounter. An ode to the importance of small things, small people and small gestures, Footpath Flowers is a quiet but powerful testament to the joy that children can find in ordinary things and the mutual value of giving.

此繪本出自獲獎詩人喬納爾諾‧勞森之手,書中插圖十分精美,沒有任何文字。故事描繪一位小女孩四處採集野花,而她的爸爸時常心不在焉,不太在乎她,也不在乎周遭的一切。小女孩將收集來的所有花做為禮物送人或送給小動物,不論他們是否有注意到這份禮物,贈禮人與收禮人都會因他們的際遇而有所改變。《Footpath Flowers》是一本無聲但頗具影響力的繪本,歌頌所有小事物和小人物的重要性,教導孩子在平凡的事物中找到喜悅,並了解「贈人玫瑰,手有餘香」的道理。

 Age Range: 3 - 7 years

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