The home of a family of five is now a crime scene: four of them savagely murdered, one—a sixteen-year-old girl—missing. Was she lucky to have escaped? Or is her absence evidence of something sinister? Detective D. D. Warren is on the case—but so is survivor-turned-avenger Flora Dane. Seeking different types of justice, they must make sense of the clues left behind by a young woman who, whether as victim or suspect, is silently pleading, Look for me.
此刻這一家五口的房子變成犯罪現場,其中四人慘遭殺害,還有一個 16 歲的女孩失蹤了。她幸運逃脫了嗎?或是她的失蹤代表著不祥的徵兆? D. D. 沃倫偵探正在調查這起案件,但同時倖存者弗洛拉.丹即將展開復仇。他們正尋求不同的途徑訴諸正義,他們得藉由這位年輕女性所留下的線索拼湊出合理的答案,不論這名女性是受害者或嫌疑人,她都正默默祈求著,來找我吧。