The Wall in the Middle of the Book (精裝版) | 拾書所

The Wall in the Middle of the Book (精裝版)

$ 685 元 原價 685
★ 入選《紐約時報》年度最佳童書
★ 入選《出版人週刊》年度編輯最愛書單
★ 美國亞馬遜書店5星全滿分好評
★ 指標性閱讀網站Goodread 超過千則近滿分好評


There's a wall in the middle of the book, and our hero--a young knight--is sure that the wall protects his side of the book from the dangers of the other side--like an angry tiger and giant rhino, and worst of all, an ogre who would gobble him up in a second! But our knight doesn't seem to notice the crocodile and growing sea of water that are emerging on his side.

When he's almost over his head and calling for help, who will come to his rescue? An individual who isn't as dangerous as the knight thought--from a side of the book that might just have some positive things to offer after all!


Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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