What Is the Women's Rights Movement? 女權運動 | 拾書所

What Is the Women's Rights Movement? 女權運動

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Which of these facts are true?
It officially started in a small town in upstate New York
In 1872, Susan B. Anthony was arrested for trying to vote
In the United States, women didn’t win the right to vote until 1920
The story of Girl Power! Learn about the remarkable women who changed US history.

From Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Gloria Steinem and Hillary Clinton, women throughout US history have fought for equality. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, women were demanding the right to vote. During the 1960s, equal rights and opportunities for women--both at home and in the workplace--were pushed even further. And in the more recent past, Women's Marches have taken place across the world. Celebrate how far women have come with this inspiring read!

美國歷史上有許多偉大的女性為爭取平等而奮鬥,其中包括伊麗莎白.凱迪.斯坦頓、蘇珊.布朗威爾.安東尼以及希拉蕊.柯林頓等。女性於十九世紀和二十世紀初爭取投票權。 1960 年,婦女在家庭與職場上的平等權與各項機會,取得進一步發展。而且不久前,世界各地皆舉行了婦女遊行。本書內容鼓舞人心,歌頌女性至今為止的成就!

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