Who Is Bono? 波諾 | 拾書所

Who Is Bono? 波諾

$ 210 元 原價 210

By age 16, Paul David Hewson was such a good singer that he had earned the nickname "Bono Vox," a Latin phrase that translates to "good voice." When he became the frontman of the newly formed rock band U2 in 1976, he adopted part of the nickname and "Bono" was introduced to the world. Today, U2 have sold over 157 million albums and won numerous awards, including 22 Grammys. In addition to having stellar vocals and a compelling stage presence, Bono is also recognized for his commitment to social justice. This book shares the story of this charitable rock star who has been named a "Person of the Year" by TIME magazine and who is recognized as a global icon of goodwill.

保羅.大衛.休森在16歲就開始演唱,當時歌迷因他的歌聲給他一個暱稱「Bono Vox」,在拉丁語當中為「美妙的聲音」之意。1976 年他成為當時新成立的搖滾樂團 U2 的主唱,他便以暱稱當中的 Bono(波諾)為名,讓全世界認識他。時至今日,U2 專輯銷售超過 1 億 5700 萬張,贏得許多獎項,包含 22 座葛萊美獎。除了一流的歌聲及震撼的舞台表演,波諾對於社會正義的投入也受到肯定。本書敘述這位慈善搖滾巨星的故事,他曾獲選為《時代雜誌》年度風雲人物,也成為全球行善的傑出代表。

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