Barron's TOEIC, 8th Edition: With Downloadable Audio | 拾書所

Barron's TOEIC, 8th Edition: With Downloadable Audio

$ 968 元 原價 1,225

This updated edition of the TOEIC preparation manual includes downloadable MP3 files for all audio prompts presented in the book. Test-takers will find:

● Four full-length practice tests identical in format and question types to the current TOEIC

● Topics and vocabulary most frequently seen on the actual TOEIC
● Explanations for all test questions
● Extensive practice in listening and reading comprehension skills

A high score on the TOEIC is required by many businesses and institutions when considering job applicants whose first language is not English. The downloadable audio provides listening practice of the English language.


此書為最新版的多益應考指南,附線上下載 MP3 檔案,收錄書中所有音檔。本書還具有以下特色:
● 依照最新多益題型、正式測驗規格,打造出四回全真多益模擬試題
● 收錄多益常見主題和單字
● 試題詳解
● 全方位練習題,幫助您加強聽力及閱讀理解技巧
多益高分是求職者的必備利器,許多公司和機構皆設有多益門檻,讓本書助您成功踏入職場。本書附線上下載 MP3 檔案,加強英文聽力訓練。

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