First Snow: An Anthology | 拾書所

First Snow: An Anthology

$ 280 元 原價 280
Two reader-favorite stories about finding romance for the holidays…
A Will and A Way
Pandora McVie’s life is tied up in knots. In order to respect her uncle Jolley’s last wishes, she’s stuck spending Christmas isolated in the Catskills with Michael Donahue, the cobeneficiary of her uncle’s will. Jolley was a matchmaker to the end—and apparently for some time beyond. The infuriating Michael is hard to live with…but what’s harder still is not falling in love with her nemesis.
Local Hero
After moving into a new Manhattan apartment and struggling to raise her son on her own, Hester Wallace doesn’t have time for the holidays, let alone a romance. So when her neighbor Mitch Dempsey offers to watch her son, Radley, in the afternoons, she cautiously accepts. Yet the more time she spends with Mitch, the more difficult it becomes to deny the attraction. She’s starting to rely on Mitch…and worse, she’s letting him into her heart.

潘多拉.麥克維 (Pandora McVie) 的生活陷入困境。 為了尊重她叔叔喬立 (Jolley) 的遺願,不得不與麥克.多納休 (Michael Donahue) 在偏遠的卡茨基爾 (Catskills) 村中度過聖誕節,麥克是她的叔叔遺囑的共同受益者。 喬立生前一直是個媒人,而且顯然去世之後還繼續在扮演。 令人憤恨的麥克難以相處...但更難的是她還沒有愛上她的死對頭。
在搬進曼哈頓的新公寓並努力撫養自己的兒子後,海絲特.華勒斯 (Hester Wallace) 沒有時間度假,更不用說尋找浪漫愛情了。 因此,當她的鄰居米奇.登普西 (Mitch Dempsey) 提出在下午時間來看護她的兒子拉德利 (Radley) 時,她小心翼翼地接受了。 然而,跟米奇相處的時間越多,就越難以否認這種吸引力。 她開始依賴米奇......更糟糕的是,讓他進入了她的心扉。(譯者/徐琍沂&劉世明)

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