Behind the Iron | 拾書所

Behind the Iron

$ 280 元 原價 280
Hank Fallon knows what it’s like to rot behind bars. To wallow in the filth of a rat-infested cell. To smell the pent-up rage of cutthroat killers and thieves. Fallon earned his freedom the hard way. He saved the lives of four guards, got released early, and became a detective. Then he went undercover, infiltrated a prison gang plotting to bust out—and barely made it out alive. Now they’re sending him back. Behind the iron. Straight to hell . . .
This time, it’s the ninth circle known as Missouri State Penitentiary. His mission: get inside the infirmary, look for a pregnant inmate named Jess Harper, and find out where her bank-robbing boyfriend hid the stolen cash. Problem is: a rebellion is brewing among the prisoners. Their rage is burning out of control. An all-out savage riot is about to explode. And Fallon’s head is on the chopping block . . .

這一次,對象是以密蘇里州立監獄著稱的第九集團。他的任務是:進入醫務室,找一個名叫傑斯·哈珀的懷孕犯人,並找出她的男友搶劫銀行後藏匿現金的地方。 問題是:囚犯之間正在醞釀叛亂。他們的憤怒正在失控燃燒。一場全面的野蠻暴動即將爆發。法倫的腦袋在砧板上有可能不保....


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