A High Sierra Christmas | 拾書所

A High Sierra Christmas

$ 280 元 原價 280
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the High Sierras. But Smoke Jensen and his children, Louis and Denise, won’t let a little snow stop them from heading to Reno for the holidays. There are two ways for them to get there: the long way, going around the Sierra Nevada Mountains, or the short way, going right through them. Smoke decides to take a gamble. They’ll follow the trail that, decades earlier, brought the legendary Donner Party to a gruesome, tragic end . . .
And so the journey begins. The Jensens share a stagecoach with a stranger who’s planning to rob a bank. Smoke wants to stop him, as well as his notorious gang of outlaws. But he’s outgunned and outnumbered. And when a blizzard traps them in the mountains, he’s out of luck too. Like the Donner Party before them, the Jensens will be forced to do whatever it takes to survive. This time, they’re hoping history doesn’t repeat itself. But sometimes, the ghosts of the past just won’t stay
buried . . 

天候開始看起來很像在連綿高山上的聖誕節了。但是,史莫克·詹森和他的孩子們,路易斯和丹尼斯,不會讓一點小雪阻止他們前往里諾度假。他們有兩種方法可以抵達那裡:漫長的路,繞著內華達山脈,或者短的路程,直接穿越。史莫克決定賭賭運氣。他們將沿著山中小徑前行,幾十年前這條小徑將傳說的唐納大隊 (Donner Party) 帶到可怕悲慘的結局......
旅程開始了。詹森一家人與一位計劃搶劫銀行的陌生人共乘一輛驛馬車。史莫克希望阻止他以及他臭名昭彰的一幫不法分子。 但是他的火力跟人數不及對方。 當一場暴風雪將他們困在山上時,他時運不濟。就像之前的唐納大隊一樣,詹森一家人將被迫做任何生存所需的事情。這一次,他們希望歷史不會重演。但有時候,過去的鬼魂不會永遠埋葬地底。


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