Dog Man #6: Brawl of the Wild (精裝版) | 拾書所

Dog Man #6: Brawl of the Wild (精裝版)

$ 350 元 原價 350
★ 蟬聯紐約時報暢銷書排行榜,讀者一致給予5顆星好評。
★ 作者戴夫‧皮爾奇 (Dav Pilkey),在美國被喻為天才型的得獎漫畫家及繪本作家,擅長幽默搞笑筆觸和畫作,曾榮獲凱迪克,代表作另有《Captain Underpants》(內褲超人)

狗頭人身的新英雄狗超人Dog Man,天馬行空的刺激故事、擊退壞蛋的痛快過癮、拯救人民的振奮人心等萬年不敗的劇情張力,加上一路上驚險又好笑的冒險故事,讀到欲罷不能!
狗頭人身的Dog Man,究竟是狗,還是人?最新一集中,缺乏歸屬感和身分認同的Dog Man,再也無法壓抑內心邪惡的念頭,淪為頭號罪犯? 自稱無辜的Dog Man,能證明自己的清白嗎?

Dog Man and the Supa Buddies are a paw-erful force against evil, but has Petey, the World's Most Evil Cat, finally outsmarted them? Petey has created another confounding contraption and is determined to destroy Dog Man once and for all. Can Dog Man's nose for justice and Li'l Petey's heart of gold finally convince the conniving kitty to do good?


Age Range: 7 years +

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