Who Was Napoleon? 拿破崙 | 拾書所

Who Was Napoleon? 拿破崙

$ 210 元 原價 210
Learn more about Napoleon Bonaparte, the decorated French military leader who conquered much of Europe in the early nineteenth century.
Born in the Mediterranean island of Corsica, Napoleon Bonaparte felt like an outsider once his family moved to France. But he found his life’s calling after graduating from military school. Napoleon went on to become a brilliant military strategist and the emperor of France. In addition to greatly expanding the French empire, Napoleon also created many laws, which are still encoded in legal systems around the world.

拿破崙.波拿巴出生於地中海的科西嘉島,家人搬到法國後,他就像一個邊緣人。 但從軍校畢業後他找到了生命意義。拿破崙努力不懈成為一名出色的軍事戰略家和法國皇帝。除了大勢擴展法國帝國外,拿破崙還制定了許多法律,這些法律仍然影響世界各地的法律制度。


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