Someone to Trust | 拾書所

Someone to Trust

$ 280 元 原價 280
During a rare white Christmas at Brambledean Court, the widow Elizabeth, Lady Overfield, defies convention by falling in love with a younger man in the latest novel in the Westcott series.
After her husband’s passing, Elizabeth Overfield decides that she must enter into another suitable marriage. That, however, is the last thing on her mind when she meets Colin Handrich, Lord Hodges, at the Westcott Christmas house party. She simply enjoys his company as they listen to carolers on Christmas Eve, walk home from church together on Christmas morning, and engage in a spirited snowball fight in the afternoon. Both are surprised when their sled topples them into a snowbank and they end up sharing an unexpected kiss. They know there is no question of any relationship between them, for she is nine years older than he.
They return to London the following Season, both committed to finding other, more suitable matches. Still they agree to share one waltz at each ball they attend. This innocuous agreement proves to be one that will topple their worlds, as each dance steadily ensnares them in a romance that forces the two to question what they are willing to sacrifice for love. . . .

在布拉布里汀 寇爾特 (Brambledean Court) 的一個罕見的白色聖誕節期間,寡婦伊麗莎白,奧弗菲爾德 (Overfield) 夫人,在韋斯科特 (Westcott)系列的最新小說中愛上了一個年輕人,從而違反了善良風俗。
丈夫過世後,伊麗莎白.奧菲爾德決定必須進入另一場合適的婚姻生活。然而,當她在Westcott聖誕節派對上遇到霍奇斯勳爵 (Lord Hodges),科林.漢德里奇(Colin Handrich) 時,這是她最後心願。在聖誕節前夕聆聽聖誕頌歌時她就喜歡有他陪伴,聖誕節早晨一起從教堂回家,並在下午展開激烈的雪球大戰。當他們的雪橇傾覆到雪堆並最終分享意外之吻時,兩人都感到驚訝。他們知道彼此之間不可能有任何關係,因為她比他大九歲。

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