Torture of the Mountain Man | 拾書所

Torture of the Mountain Man

$ 280 元 原價 280
When Smoke Jensen is summoned to a small Texas town under siege by a scourge of kill-crazy bandits, volunteers line up to take out the Mountain Man. Being Smoke Jensen, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
A gunshot wound has robbed Audubon, Texas, of its top lawman at the worst possible time. Clete Lanagan and his band of outlaws have hatched a scheme to plunder the town bank of a small fortune in railroad money. When the acting sheriff, Dalton Conyers—half-brother of Smoke’s niece Rebecca—is unable to raise a posse to hunt down Lanagan’s gang, he calls on Smoke for help.
But with so much cash at stake, Lanagan won’t go down without a fight. With a bounty on his head, Smoke finds himself marked for death by a legendary gunslinger, a wrathful ranch hand bent on revenge for his brother’s death, and an army of trigger-happy recruits with nothing to lose but their lives.

當煙霧詹森被召喚到德克薩斯州的一個小城鎮被一群殺戮瘋狂的匪徒包圍時,志願者排隊趕走山人。 至於煙霧詹森,他不會有任何他法。

槍傷在最糟糕的時候搶劫了德克薩斯州的奧杜邦,他乃最頂級的執法者。 Clete Lanagan和他的一群不法分子已經制定了一項計劃,用鐵路錢掠奪鎮上一筆不小的錢。 當代理警長Dalton Conyers, Smoke的姪女Rebecca的同父異母兄弟,無法集結到一個團隊追捕Lanagan的團隊時,他尋求Smoke的幫助。



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