Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #15: Lost in New York | 拾書所

Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #15: Lost in New York

$ 175 元 原價 175

Stanley Lambchop has been invited to New York City to take part in an International Declaration of Friendship at the United Nations! But before anyone signs the declaration, the group goes on a whirlwind tour of New York City.

What should be an adventure quickly turns scary when Stanley and his new friend Ian get separated from their group. But Stanley and Ian manage to find the fun in their situation, traveling around Manhattan: through the subway, across Times Square, and—finally—to the top of the Empire State Building.

But at the end of the day, Stanley and Ian are still on the search to find their families and friends before it’s time to sign the Declaration of Friendship. Will they meet up with their group before it’s too late?


史坦利·蘭喬普應邀來到紐約參加聯合國的《國際友誼宣言》大會! 但是在大家簽署聲明之前,他們小組將先進行一趟紐約旋風之旅。


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