The Doctor and Sarah arrive in London to find it deserted. The city has been evacuated as prehistoric monsters appear in the streets. While the Doctor works to discover who or what is bringing the dinosaurs to London, Sarah finds herself trapped on a spaceship that left Earth months ago travelling to a new world...Against the odds, the Doctor manages to trace the source of the dinosaurs. But will he and the Brigadier be in time to unmask the villains before Operation Golden Age changes the history of planet Earth and wipes out the whole of human civilisation? This novel is based on a Doctor Who story which was originally broadcast from 12 January-16 February 1974. Featuring the Third Doctor as played by Jon Pertwee with his companion Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT.
博士和旅伴莎拉抵達倫敦的時候,整個城市早已杳無人煙,因為恐龍突然出現,居民被迫撤離。博士試圖要查出這些史前巨獸為什麼會出現在這個時代,但就在此時,莎拉卻被困在一艘幾個月前就出發前往新世界的太空船上。儘管困難重重,博士仍竭盡所能,希望找出把恐龍帶到倫敦的幕後黑手。只是,博士和准將能及時揪出兇手,並避免「黃金時代行動」改變地球歷史及毀滅人類文明嗎?本書根據《Doctor Who》影集撰寫,影集原播出時間為 1974 年 1 月 12 日到 2 月 16 日。由約翰.帕特維飾演的第三任博士和夥伴莎拉.珍.史密斯與聯合情報小組一起進行宇宙歷險。