Fifteen-year-old Lina is a Lithuanian girl living an ordinary life -- until Soviet officers invade her home and tear her family apart. Separated from her father and forced onto a crowded train, Lina, her mother, and her young brother make their way to a Siberian work camp, where they are forced to fight for their lives. Lina finds solace in her art, documenting these events by drawing. Risking everything, she imbeds clues in her drawings of their location and secretly passes them along, hoping her drawings will make their way to her father's prison camp. But will strength, love, and hope be enough for Lina and her family to survive?
十五歲的麗娜 (Lina) 是一個過著平凡生活的立陶宛女孩 -- 直到蘇聯軍官入侵她的家並拆散她的家人。莉娜、她的母親和弟弟與父親分開許久後,乘坐擁擠的火車前往西伯利亞的工作營,在那裡他們被迫為生命而戰。麗娜在她的藝術中找到了安慰,通過繪畫來記錄這些事件。 冒著一切危險,她在繪製的位置圖中隱藏線索並秘密地傳遞給他們,希望她的圖畫能夠讓她們前往她父親的囚禁營地。 但力量、愛情和希望是否足以讓莉娜和她的家人生存?