The Iron Druid Chronicles 9: Scourged 鋼鐵德魯伊 9: 天譴 | 拾書所

The Iron Druid Chronicles 9: Scourged 鋼鐵德魯伊 9: 天譴

$ 280 元 原價 280

Unchained from fate, the Norse gods Loki and Hel are ready to unleash Ragnarok, a.k.a. the Apocalypse, upon the earth. They’ve made allies on the darker side of many pantheons, and there’s a globe-spanning battle brewing that ancient Druid Atticus O’Sullivan will be hard-pressed to survive, much less win.

Granuaile MacTiernan must join immortals Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen in a fight against the Yama Kings in Taiwan, but she discovers that the stakes are much higher than she thought.

Meanwhile, Archdruid Owen Kennedy must put out both literal and metaphorical fires from Bavaria to Peru to keep the world safe for his apprentices and the future of Druidry.

And Atticus recruits the aid of a tyromancer, an Indian witch, and a trickster god in hopes that they’ll give him just enough leverage to both save Gaia and see another sunrise. There is a hound named Oberon who deserves a snack, after all.


在遠離命運的情況下,挪威神祇洛基 (Loki) 和海爾 (Hel) 準備在地球上釋放拉格納羅克 (Ragnarok),也就是啟示錄。他們在許多泛神論者的黑暗面上建立了盟友, 在這場跨越全球的戰鬥正在醞釀,古代德魯伊德•阿提庫斯•奧沙利文 (Druid Atticus O’Sullivan) 將很難生存,更不用說勝利了。 
格蘭亞薇爾•麥鐵南 (Granuaile MacTiernan) 必須和神仙孫悟空 (Sun Wukong) 和二郎神 (Erlang Shen) 一起在臺灣與亞瑪王 (Yama Kings) 作戰,但她發現賭注比她想像的要高得多。
同時,奧文•甘迺迪 (Owen Kennedy) 大主教必須撲滅從巴伐利亞到秘魯的字面上和隱喻性的火災,以保護他的徒弟們和德魯伊 (Druidry) 未來的世界安全。 
阿提克斯 (Atticus) 招募了一名暴徒,一名印度女巫和一名騙子神,希望他們能夠給予他足夠的籌碼,既能拯救蓋亞 (Gaia) 又能悻存看到另一個日出。畢竟,有一隻名叫奧伯龍 (Oberon) 的獵犬應該吃點零食。


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