The Upside: A Memoir (Movie Tie-In) 活個精彩 | 拾書所

The Upside: A Memoir (Movie Tie-In) 活個精彩

$ 560 元 原價 560
Abdel Sellou and Philippe Pozzo di Borgo were two people marginalized by society: Sellou a wisecracking, unemployed immigrant, just out on parole; Pozzo a man born to wealth and privilege, recently paralyzed from the neck down after a paragliding accident. How they came to help each other, and the unlikely friendship that became a lifeline for them both, is an uplifting story that's now been told and retold around the world.
In this bestselling memoir, Sellou shows us the irreverent, real-life character behind Kevin Hart's smiling face. The book takes us from Sellou's childhood spent stealing candy from the local grocery store to his career as a pickpocket and scam artist, to his unexpected employment as a companion for a quadriplegic. Sellou tells his story with a stunning amount of talent, humor, style, and--though he denies that he has any--humility.

Abdel Sellou和Philippe Pozzo di Borgo是兩個被社會邊緣化的人:Sellou是一個聰明的,失業的移民,假釋中; Pozzo是一個出生於財富和特權的人,最近在滑翔傘事故後從頸部癱瘓。 他們如何相互幫助,以及成為彼此生命中重要的友誼,是一個令人振奮的故事,現在已被告知並在世界各地重新報導。

在這本暢銷的回憶錄中,塞魯(Sellou)向我們展示了凱文哈特笑臉背後的叛逆,現實生活中的角色。 這本書帶我們從Sellou的童年時代,從當地雜貨店偷糖果到他作為扒手和詐騙藝術家的職業生涯,以及他作為四肢癱瘓伴侶的意外工作。 Sellou以驚人的天賦,幽默,風格和他的故事講述了他的故—儘管他否認他自己的謙卑。


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