Lilac Lane | 拾書所

Lilac Lane

$ 315 元 原價 315

Single mom Kiera Malone struggled for years to raise her three children in a small town on the coast of Ireland. Just when she’s let down her guard and allowed herself to love again, her fiancé suffers a fatal heart attack and leaves her alone yet again. Overwhelmed by her loss, she’s persuaded to visit her father, Dillon O’Malley, and her daughter, Moira O’Brien, in Chesapeake Shores. With the promise of family ties and a job at O’Brien’s, her son-in-law’s Irish pub, she takes what seems like the biggest risk of her life.

As it turns out, though, crossing the ocean is nothing compared to moving into a charming cottage on Lilac Lane, right next door to Bryan Laramie, the moody chef at O’Brien’s, who doesn’t do anything the way Kiera believes it should be done. Their kitchen wars quickly become the stuff of legend in Chesapeake Shores, and the town’s matchmakers conclude that where there’s heat, there’s sure to be passion.

As these two deal with their wounded pasts and discover common interests, they might just find the perfect recipe for love.


多年來,單身母親基拉·馬龍 (Kiera Malone) 一直在愛爾蘭海邊的一個小鎮上艱難地撫養著她的三個孩子。就在她放下戒心,讓自己再次戀愛時,她的未婚夫心臟病發作了,而又讓她獨自一人。。她不知所措,被說服去切薩皮克 (Chesapeake) 海岸看望父親狄龍·奧馬利 (Dillon O’Malley) 和女兒莫伊拉·奧布萊恩 (Moira O’Brien)。有了家庭關係的承諾和在女婿愛爾蘭酒吧「奧布萊恩」的工作,她承擔了似乎是她人生最大的風險。
不過,事實證明,與搬進位於「丁香巷」(Lilac Lane) 的一間迷人的小屋相比,飄洋過海算不了什麼。就在布萊恩·拉拉米 (Bryan Laramie) 的隔壁,「奧布萊恩」的喜怒無常的廚師沒有按照基拉的想法做任何事情。他們的廚房大戰很快就成了切薩皮克海岸的傳奇事蹟。鎮上的媒人下個結論:在有熱度的地方,肯定會有激情。


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