The Bishop’s Pawn | 拾書所

The Bishop’s Pawn

$ 350 元 原價 350

Known as a maverick, Malone is a Navy lawyer in trouble when Stephanie Nelle, from the United States Justice Department, seeks his help in investigating a delicate situation involving a stolen rare coin and a rogue FBI faction.

Soon Malone realizes that the Justice Department and the FBI are at war over something else entirely: a cache of secret files about the King assassination―documents thought long destroyed. Caught in the midst of this epic clash, Malone ultimately discovers a shocking truth―one that could threaten the legacy of the civil rights movement’s greatest hero. From the clear waters of the Dry Tortugas to Florida and Washington, D.C., Malone’s decision to see his mission through will not only change his own life, but the course of history itself.


不久,馬龍意識到司法部和聯邦調查局正在完全對其他事情進行戰爭:關於國王暗殺的秘密文件的緩存 - 文件被認為長期被摧毀。 在這場史詩般的衝突中,馬龍最終發現了一個令人震驚的事實 - 一個可能威脅到民權運動最偉大英雄遺產的事實。 從乾燥的Tortugas清澈的海水到佛羅里達州和華盛頓特區,馬龍決定通過他的使命不僅會改變自己的生活,也會改變歷史本身。


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