Where Is Antarctica? | 拾書所

Where Is Antarctica?

$ 210 元 原價 210

Antarctica, the earth's southernmost continent, was virtually untouched by humans until the nineteenth century. Many famous explorers journeyed (and often died) there in the hope of discovering a land that always seemed out of reach.

This book introduces readers to this desert--yes, desert!--continent that holds about 90 percent of the world's ice; showcases some of the 200 species that call Antarctica home, including the emperor penguin; and discusses environmental dangers to the continent, underscoring how what happens to Antarctica affects the entire world.

這本書向讀者介紹了這片荒漠 — 是的,荒漠! — 這塊大陸蘊含了世界上90%的冰;展示了以南極洲為家園的200種物種中的一些,包括帝王企鵝;並討論了對大陸所構成的環境危險,也強調了南極洲如何影響整個世界。



Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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