Enlightenment Now | 拾書所

Enlightenment Now

$ 458 元 原價 580

The follow-up to Pinker’s groundbreaking The Better Angels of Our Nature presents the big picture of human progress: people are living longer, healthier, freer, and happier lives, and while our problems are formidable, the solutions lie in the Enlightenment ideal of using reason and science.

Is the world really falling apart? Is the ideal of progress obsolete? In this elegant assessment of the human condition in the third millennium, cognitive scientist and public intellectual Steven Pinker urges us to step back from the gory headlines and prophecies of doom, which play to our psychological biases. Instead, follow the data: In seventy-five jaw-dropping graphs, Pinker shows that life, health, prosperity, safety, peace, knowledge, and happiness are on the rise, not just in the West, but worldwide. This progress is not the result of some cosmic force. It is a gift of the Enlightenment: the conviction that reason and science can enhance human flourishing.

Far from being a naïve hope, the Enlightenment, we now know, has worked. But more than ever, it needs a vigorous defense. The Enlightenment project swims against currents of human nature—tribalism, authoritarianism, demonization, magical thinking—which demagogues are all too willing to exploit. Many commentators, committed to political, religious, or romantic ideologies, fight a rearguard action against it. The result is a corrosive fatalism and a willingness to wreck the precious institutions of liberal democracy and global cooperation.

With intellectual depth and literary flair, Enlightenment Now makes the case for reason, science, and humanism: the ideals we need to confront our problems and continue our progress.


這本書是平克 (Pinker) 的突破性作品《The Better Angels of Our Nature》的後續傑作,展示了人類進步的全貌:人們的壽命更長、更健康、更自由、更幸福,雖然我們面臨的問題是艱鉅的,但解決方案在於使用理性和科學的啟蒙運動的理想。
世界真的分崩離析了嗎? 進步的理想是否過時了? 在這個對第三個千禧年人類狀況的優雅評估中,認知科學家和公共知識分子史蒂文·平克 (Steven Pinker) 敦促我們退出血腥的頭條和厄運的預言,這些都會影響我們的心理偏見。 相反,請遵循以下數據:在七十五個令人驚嘆的圖表中,平克表明生命、健康、繁榮、安全、和平、知識和幸福正在上升,不僅在西方,而且在全世界。 這種進步不是某種宇宙力量的結果。 它是啟蒙運動的禮物:信念和理性可以促進人類的繁榮。
我們現在知道,啟蒙運動絕非天真的願望,而是有效的。 但它比以往任何時候都需要有力的防禦。 啟蒙運動的計畫在對抗人性的潮流 – 部落主義、專制主義、妖魔化、魔法思維 – 煽動家都非常樂意利用這些潮流。 許多致力於政治、宗教或浪漫意識形態的評論家都在反對它的反撲行動。 其結果是造成腐蝕性宿命論和破壞寶貴的自由民主和全球合作機構的意願。


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