Flight of the Bluebird (CD) | 拾書所

Flight of the Bluebird (CD)

$ 1,050 元 原價 1,050

After returning to their home in Dullsville and finding it in absolute shambles, Jaundice and Kale Bland are rescued by high-flying aviatrix Beatrix Airdale. This time, theyΓ re jetting off (literally) to Egypt to uncover the mysteries of a magical scarab. By way of Casablanca, and after foiling multiple attacks along the way (thanks to JaundiceΓ s nautical knot-tying skills and KaleΓ s super-sleuth powers of observation), the Bland Sisters are reunited with their parents. But it turns out that Mom and Dad arenΓ t as blandΓ or as BlandΓ as Jaundice and Kale remember. Thanks to their motherΓ s old archaeology notebook, the Bland Sisters uncover their parentsΓ real identities and help them achieve victory in one final family-filled adventure.

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