The Cast | 拾書所

The Cast

$ 315 元 原價 315

Kait Whittier has built her magazine column into a hugely respected read followed by fans across the country. She loves her work and adores her grown children, treasuring the time they spend together. But after two marriages, she prefers to avoid the complications and uncertainties of a new love.

Then, after a chance meeting with Zack Winter, a television producer visiting Manhattan from Los Angeles, everything changes. Inspired by the true story of her own indomitable grandmother, Kait creates the storyline for a TV series. And when she shares her work with Zack, he is impressed and decides to make this his next big-budget project.

Within weeks, Kait is plunged into a colorful world of actors and industry pros who will bring her vision to life. A cool, competent director. An eccentric young screenwriter. A world-famous actress coping with private tragedy. A reclusive grande dame from Hollywood’s Golden Age. A sizzling starlet whose ego outstrips her abilities. L.A.’s latest “bad boy” actor, whose affairs are setting the city on fire. An unknown ingénue with outsized talent. And a rugged, legendary leading man. As secrets are shared, the cast becomes a second family for Kait. But in the midst of this charmed year, she is suddenly forced to confront the greatest challenge a mother could ever know.

The strength of women—across generations and among friends, colleagues, and family—takes center stage in this irresistible novel, as all-too-real people find the courage to persevere in life’s drama of heartbreak and joy.


Kait Whittier將她的雜誌專欄打造成了一個備受尊敬的閱讀,隨後全國各地的粉絲都熱愛。她熱愛自己的工作,喜歡自己長大的孩子,珍惜與他們一起度過的時光。但在兩次婚姻之後,她更喜歡避免複雜和不確定因素下產生的一種新戀情。

然後,在與洛杉磯曼哈頓電視製片人Zack Winter會面後,一切都變化了。受到她自己不屈不撓的祖母的真實故事的啟發,凱特為電視劇創作了故事情節。當她與扎克分享她的工作時,他印象深刻並決定將其作為下一個大預算項目。

幾週之內,Kait陷入了一個色彩繽紛的演員和行業專業人士的世界,他們將她的願景變為現實。一個很酷,很稱職的導演。一個古怪的年輕編劇。世界著名女演員應對私人悲劇。來自好萊塢黃金時代的隱居貴婦。一個炙手可熱的小明星,她的自我超越了她的能力。 L.A.的最新“壞男孩”演員,他的事務正在惹惱這座城市。一個擁有超大才能的未知人物。一個堅固,傳奇的領導人。由於秘密是共享的,演員成為凱特的第二個家庭。但在這個充滿魅力的一年中,她突然被迫面對母親所知道的最大挑戰。

在這部不可抗拒的小說中,女性 - 代代相傳,朋友,同事和家人 - 的力量佔據了中心位置,因為真實的人們都有勇氣堅持生活中令人心碎和快樂的戲劇。“


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