The Disappeared | 拾書所

The Disappeared

$ 350 元 原價 350

Wyoming's new governor isn't sure what to make of Joe Pickett, but he has a job for him that is extremely delicate. A prominent female British executive never came home from the high-end guest ranch she was visiting, and the British Embassy is pressing hard. Pickett knows that happens sometimes--these ranches are stocked with handsome young cowboys, and "ranch romances" aren't uncommon. But no sign of her months after she vanished? That suggests something else. 

At the same time, his friend Nate Romanowski has asked Joe to intervene with the feds on behalf of falconers who can no longer hunt with eagles even though their permits are in order. Who is blocking the falconers and why? The more he investigates both cases, the more someone wants him to go away. Is it because of the missing woman or because he's become Nate's advocate? Or are they somehow connected? The answers, when they come, will be even worse than he'd imagined.

懷俄明州的新州長不知道喬·皮克特應該怎麼做,但是他的工作非常微妙。一位著名的英國女性高管從來沒有從她正在訪問的高端客人牧場和英國大使館回家。 Pickett知道有時會發生這種情況 - 這些牧場上都有著英俊的年輕牛仔,而“牧場浪漫”並不少見。但她消失後幾個月沒有任何跡象?這表明還有別的東西。

與此同時,他的朋友Nate Romanowski已經要求喬代表那些不能再與老鷹打獵的鸚鵡進行干預,即使他們的許可證有序。 誰阻擋了鸚鵡,為什麼? 他對這兩個案件的調查越多,就越有人希望他離開。 是因為失踪的女人還是因為他成為了Nate的擁護者? 或者他們以某種方式聯繫? 他們來的答案會比他想像的還要糟糕。


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