Be the Hands and Feet 成為上帝的手與腳 | 拾書所

Be the Hands and Feet 成為上帝的手與腳

$ 525 元 原價 525
★ 英國《沃特金斯評論》全球百位最具精神影響力人物
★ 國際知名勵志演說家
★ 紐約時報暢銷書作家

New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned motivational speaker Nick Vujicic is known worldwide as the man without arms and legs who personifies a "can do" spirit.

Now in greater detail, he explains how the example of Jesus Christ motivates him to travel and speak broadly because the"good news" of the Gospel is just too good to keep quiet!

Although the world has so many problems, no challenge is too great for the God who promises to move mountains. Using compelling stories from his own experience, Nick shares the heart of his message, the motivation behind all he does, and something that he believes the world needs now more than ever before: A faith in Jesus Christ that moves people to act and make the world a better place.



雖然世界上有這麼多問題,但對於承諾移山的上帝來說,沒有任何挑戰太大。 利用他自己的經驗引人入勝的故事,尼克分享了他信息的核心,他所做的一切背後的動機,以及他現在比以往任何時候都更需要世界需要的東西:對耶穌基督的信仰,讓人們採取行動並製造 世界是個更好的地方。


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