The Truth Machine 真理機器 | 拾書所

The Truth Machine 真理機器

$ 498 元 原價 630

Big banks have grown bigger and more entrenched. Privacy exists only until the next hack. Credit card fraud is a fact of life. Many of the “legacy systems” once designed to make our lives easier and our economy more efficient are no longer up to the task. Yet there is a way past all this―a new kind of operating system with the potential to revolutionize vast swaths of our economy: the blockchain.

In The Truth Machine, Michael J. Casey and Paul Vigna demystify the blockchain and explain why it can restore personal control over our data, assets, and identities; grant billions of excluded people access to the global economy; and shift the balance of power to revive society’s faith in itself. They reveal the disruption it promises for industries including finance, tech, legal, and shipping.

Casey and Vigna expose the challenge of replacing trusted (and not-so-trusted) institutions on which we’ve relied for centuries with a radical model that bypasses them. The Truth Machine reveals the empowerment possible when self-interested middlemen give way to the transparency of the blockchain, while highlighting the job losses, assertion of special interests, and threat to social cohesion that will accompany this shift. With the same balanced perspective they brought to The Age of Cryptocurrency, Casey and Vigna show why we all must care about the path that blockchain technology takes―moving humanity forward, not backward.


大銀行變得越來越大,越來越根深蒂固。隱私只存在於下一次駭客攻擊前。信用卡欺詐是生活中的事實。許多”遺留系統“曾經旨在讓我們的生活更輕鬆,經濟更加高效不再上升然而,有一種方法可以超越所有這一切 - 一種新的操作系統,有可能徹底改變我們經濟的大片區域:區塊鏈。

在The Truth Machine中,Michael J. Casey和Paul Vigna揭開區塊鏈的神秘面紗,並解釋為什麼它可以恢復對我們的數據,資產和身份的個人控制;為數十億被排斥的人提供進入全球經濟的機會;並轉變權力平衡,重振社會對自身的信念。他們揭示了它對金融,科技,法律和航運等行業的承諾。

凱西和維尼亞面臨的挑戰是,用一種繞過它們的激進模式取代我們依賴幾個世紀的可信賴(並且不那麼受信任)的模型。真理機器揭示了當自利中間人位於區塊鏈時的透明,賦予權力,同時強調失業,特殊利益的主張以及伴隨這種轉變的社會凝聚力的威脅。他們帶來了同樣平衡的觀點,他們帶來了加密貨幣時代,凱西和維尼亞展示了為什麼我們都必須關心區塊鏈技術所走的道路 - 推動人類向前發展,而不是往後倒退。


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